
Welcome to September and Eat Local Month! Join us in celebrating our farm and food scene on Whidbey and Camano Islands.

Events & Activities - all month long! Cider and harvest festivals, floral arranging and pasta making classes, u-pick berries, farm tours, and more. Find all activities on our event calendar here.

Farm & Food Trail - new this year is our county-wide Farm & Food Trail. Choose a region of Island County and explore it from a farm and food perspective. Visit farm stands, markets, shops, and restaurants that highlight our amazing community here.

Eat Local - that's what it's all about! Shop the Food Hub, the Farmer's Markets, and all the local businesses that feature local food. Eat out at our locally owned restaurants who cook with local food. Grab a drink at a local brewery, cidery, or winery. It's harvest season, let's celebrate together.

Get all Eat Local Month info here - and follow us on social media @whidbeyislandgrown for information and inspiration all month long.


From our lands to your hands - Whidbey Island Grown Cooperative Food Hub brings together over 50 local producers in one online marketplace. Farmers, bakers, fermenters, cooks, and makers from Whidbey Island and neighboring Skagit, San Juan, and Whatcom counties list their products each week for a one stop shop of locally grown and produced food, flowers, and home goods. Support local agriculture to preserve our rural heritage and build resilience in our community.

How the Food Hub Works:

1. Register as a RETAIL customer for individuals or a WHOLESALE customer for businesses.

2. Order from Friday at noon - Tuesday at 9PM. Sign up for our email list here to get a Monday order reminder!

3. Pick up your order on Fridays from one of our Whidbey Island Locations. WE DO NOT SHIP ORDERS

3-5PM in Langley - Whidbey Island Fairgrounds (819 Camano Ave).

3:30-7 in Greenbank - Greenbank Farm (765 Wonn Rd).

4-6 PM in Coupeville - Scenic Isle Farm (46 S. Ebey Rd), and Freeland - Mutiny Bay Blues Farmstand (5486 Cameron Rd).

4:30-6:30PM in Oak Harbor - Encinas Construction (1090 SE Pioneer Way).

Delivery to Clinton/Langley - Fridays 12-3pm.


Already signed up? Log in Here!


 ARE YOU A BUSINESS SIGNING UP FOR WHOLESALE? The Food Hub offers wholesale ordering from our island producers. Register HERE to buy wholesale, and please connect with Shannon to learn more about how to order at

WOULD YOU LIKE TO SELL YOUR PRODUCTS ON THE HUB? We'd love to have you! Visit here to learn how to register as a producer. 

Email Shannon with any questions!