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Obvious Ingredients
Contact: Deb Taber
City: Langley, WA, 98260
About Us
Good food brings a special kind of joy. In our family, we call this being “food happy,” a full body-and-mind kind of happiness that gets you to your core. As many of us focus on eating healthier, sometimes this food happiness falls away, and instead there’s a sense of deprivation. Our mission is to give you pure flavors you can add to your own dishes that elevate your experience into the "Food Happy" zone.
To do this, we start with fresh, local, in-season produce and preserve it at its peak, focusing on USDA certified organic veggies and fruits from farms throughout the Puget Sound region. We use only heat, air, and time to preserve our ingredients, never any additives or preservatives. We want you to feel good about what you eat and to be able to make informed decisions about what you put in your body. That goes all the way down to the organic olive oil we use to keep our produce from sticking to the dehydrator trays. If it's not on the label, we don't put it in the jar. We hope that helps you in your food happiness journey!